Nick’s story

Nick had been suffering from anxiety and depression for a long time, and although he had tried other methods in the past to improve his quality of life, none had worked. He initially approached me to begin sessions to overcome these hurdles, but we were both surprised to learn that hypnotherapy had some unexpected physical health benefits.

The hypnotherapy journey

As Nick originally came to me for hypnotherapy for anxiety, I personalised several scripts, including some regression therapy. It was nice to see that, over time, Nick felt less stressed about certain scenarios and seemed calmer than in previous conversations.

Several sessions in, I was surprised to hear that Nick had been diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel, which was interfering with his day-to-day life and sleep. After one of the anxiety sessions, he mentioned that when he woke up, it had stopped, and he could no longer feel it. It came to light that the anxiety and stress were causing physical health problems or making them worse.

I am happy that not only has this client’s anxiety reduced, but he has also been able to work on other issues interfering with his life.

Sharing wonderful feedback

I had never had any kind of hypnosis treatment before and was unsure how it would work initially. I found Victoria’s explanation and run-through of the process very reassuring and decided to go through with it.

Since undertaking the course of hypnotherapy, I have noticed many improvements in myself. I am a lot more comfortable speaking up in difficult and adversarial situations, which previously would never have been the case. It has also allowed me to cope better in stressful situations, which is something I previously struggled with. I have also greatly reduced my alcohol consumption since working with Victoria, which is something I have been attempting to do myself for some time.

One of the most remarkable and unexpected things that have impacted me since starting hypnosis is the physiological changes in myself. I have for some time now suffered with quite severe Carpal Tunnel in my right hand. This was a constant pain sensation that I felt in every part of my hand. Thanks to Victoria, the pain has all but subsided, and even the flare-ups only occupy two fingers, and this can be quickly resolved using meditation techniques.

I truly feel working with Victoria has already made improvements to my day-to-day existence, and I look forward to seeing how far we can progress my therapy.
