Trina’s story

“I have experienced travel sickness ever since I was about 5 years old. It took over my life at times and stopped me from doing things and going places. I tried a number of things, such as travel bands and all sorts of medications, which either didn’t work or came with awful side effects.”

The hypnotherapy journey

I started Trina’s hypnotherapy journey by discussing her triggers and what she wanted to get out of the session. I then moved on to a travel sickness hypnotherapy script.

Following this session, I asked Trina to allow some time for her hypnotherapy to begin making a change and keep me updated on the outcome. Over the next few weeks, we kept in touch, and although Trina felt that her travel sickness had reduced massively, she thought she needed one more session as she had a distance drive planned.

We arranged one more travel sickness hypnotherapy session, and Trina contacted me to let me know the outcome. I was delighted to hear that Trina no longer felt travel sickness; she now felt calm and was excited about her trips. This is just one fantastic example of how my hypnotherapy for phobias can be over to overcome hurdles impacting your quality of life.

Sharing wonderful feedback

I had an online session with Victoria for travel sickness, and I am so glad I did. Her voice was so soothing, and I felt really comfortable with her, like I could tell her anything.

I really felt the session was personalised to me based on what I had told her, and that made all the difference for me, I felt like she genuinely cared.

Thanks to Victoria, my travel sickness is a thing of the past! I can now travel without the fear of getting sick, and I am now planning a travel adventure.

Victoria is so good that I have booked future sessions with her, and I will be recommending her to friends and family.
